Minutemen are soldiers that are trained to be ready to fight in under a minute.
If by land one, two if by sea, this means that if the British come by land they hang one lantern, and if by sea two.
Date of the event was April 18,1775.
Not all the riders made it to Concord, in fact Samuel Prescott was the only one who did!
It’s a fact that Paul Revere was a silversmith by trade, and sometimes worked as an amateur dentist.
He being Paul Revere was captured just outside of Lexington that night.
The regulars are coming were the most important words said during the Midnight Ride.
Revere is not the only midnight rider who set out to warn that the regulars are coming.
In fact Samuel Prescott was the one who really made it to Concord.
During the midnight ride the locations passed were Boston, Lexington, and Concord.
Every rider involved was Paul Revere, Samuel Prescott, and William Dawes.